Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Truer words have never been spoken

I got this in an e-mail today from my friend Laverne:

"Never allow someone to be your Priority, while allowing yourself to be their Option."

Truer words have never been spoken.


Veronica Martinez said...

I love this anecdote. It's deep and meaningful. I myself have been the type the person that have given everyone around me my everlasting devotion and consideration. I have come to the sad realization during the last 7 years (My eldest son's age)that such affection is not always reciprocated from all of those of whom I have bestowed it upon. Except for a select few. My Sis Mirn is and will always be a beloved and cherished person in my and my family's life. I truly feel that her love is indeed unconditional.
My best regards to and yours.
Your Teo-Sis

Anonymous said...

I have to remind myself of that as well! LMD