Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Noah's Ark

There's a schoolmate of Brendan's whose parents always drop him off together in the morning and pick him up together. If there are activities at the school where parent volunteers are sought, they'll be there -- together.

Call me a jaded individual, but I find that to be a colossal waste of time. Big Bren and I subscribe to the “divide and conquer” school of parenting. You drop off; I pick up. You take him to karate; I’ll go get him. I’ll do the laundry; you go grocery shopping. I get the “family time” thing. We have breakfast, dinner and weekends as a family, but there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything in pairs.


Anonymous said...

amazing picture. Where did you get that one from? Well, suited to the theme. Did you get the message?

Mirna said...

What message? That any time can be family time?

I took the picture myself -- at the Bronx Zoo. :-)

Anonymous said...

The picture you depicted showed a pair of birds which seem to be doing nothing but enjoying the time together. No specific purpose, no specific task just merely enjoying, appreciating and grabbing the opportunity to just be together!