Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sleeping with Pistachios

Despite my daddy issues, I have always found myself gravitating toward men with a sense of humor similar to my dad’s.  My dad has a rapier wit and a quick comeback to anything anyone lobs at him.  Big Bren is the exact same way.  And I am finding that my pen-pal does, too.

The other day, we were engaging in our usual incessant digital chatter.  Someone was making my life miserable and I needed someone to commiserate with me.  After I detailed everything this woman was doing that I found objectionable, he responded:  “She’s sleeping with pistachios.”

I cocked my head to the side and tried to figure that one out.  Was he even speaking to me?  Maybe he got his e-mails mixed up and this was addressed to someone else.  Who would sleep with pistachios?  And if this was someone else he knew, who the hell would call themselves -- or tolerate anyone else calling them -- “Pistachios”?

A split second later, he sent another message:  “She’s fucking nuts.”

Ah, I get it.  Way to commiserate.  J

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