Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I need a Mommy

It's been a long time, mi gente, but I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack.  :-)

Don't kids have it great?  They have parents to wake them up, remind them to brush their teeth, get them breakfast, help them get dressed, etc., etc.  As I was poking and prodding Brendan along this morning (I swear, he's worse than cattle in the a.m.), it suddenly occurred to me that I could seriously use a "Mommy."  Not a mother -- I have one of those.  A mommy.  Someone to poke and prod me through life.

I mean, if I had a mommy, I wouldn't spend endless hours on the internet.  I'd be writing my next book or plugging away at the billable hours.  My mommy would guilt me into productivity and out of procrastination.  My mommy would make me keep sending query letters to agents, even when I don't feel like it (and, Lordy Lord, I don't feel like it).  I wouldn't be able to insist on going to bed at midnight every day, knowing full well how exhausted I'll be.  No, siree, my mommy wouldn't allow that. 

It's funny how, as grown-ups, we know what we should be doing, but fail to do it anyway.